Online Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pendidikan

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Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh dengan Metode Online-learning Merupakan Solusi Bukan Alternatif
Aisya Putri Zanuarizqi, Muhammad Zahrul Wafi

Last modified: 2021-07-02


In early 2020, WHO declared the world was in a global emergency due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Many of the impacts caused by Covid-19 are felt in the health, economy, social, tourism, and even education sectors. However, the implementation of education around the world has undergone drastic changes. The transition from face-to-face learning has turned into distance learning using online-learning to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with literature studies from electronic media such as journals, e-books, and news. Education is not always about students coming to school to study. However, teaching can also be done by using online-learning methods. With the online-learning method, teachers and students should access education more efficiently. The media used during online-learning were 8211 respondents, or 63.4% used the internet / online in learning activities. At the same time, 3970 respondents, or 30.6%, used non-electronic media due to several factors, including the limited infrastructure to support online-learning. We cannot fight technology and information. Therefore we should take advantage of the rapidly developing developments in technology and knowledge to improve the quality of education. Thus, the time has come for online-learning to be no longer an alternative but a solution for the first steps of education in the future.


Covid-19, Online-learning, Education


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