Online Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pendidikan

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youth generation's attitude toward the implementation of Belitung's marital custom reviewed from characteristics
Murni Marleni, Lilis Jubaedah

Last modified: 2021-07-02



The purpose of this study is to look for a difference in the attitudes of the rising generation toward the implementation of Belitung's marital customs reviewed from age, education and income. This research method uses analtic descriptive methods with the cross section approach. Data analysis using an x2 or chi square test with research results there is a difference in the attitudes of the youth toward the implementation of Belitung's marital custom reviewed from age, there is a difference in the attitudes of the youth toward the implementation of Belitung's marital custom reviewed from education, there is a difference in the attitudes of the youth toward the implementation of Belitung's marital custom reviewed from income.

Keyword : Attitude, Marital Custom, Young generation


Attitude, Marital Costum, Young generation


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