Online Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pendidikan

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Dampak Game Free Fire Terhadap Pengembangan Karakter Siswa Kelas V SDN. 97 Tina’ro
Muh Ikram, M. Alwi

Last modified: 2021-07-02


FREE FIRE is one of the popular online game applications in this digital era. Many people who play and users of this application, do not become the hope of children. The development of children from year to year must increase. Some children will be very easily influenced by technological developments that they accidentally see. Erikson (1968) stated that "in addition to identifying with their parents, preschool-aged children will develop motor skills, speaking skills, curiosity, imagination, and the ability to set goals. Today, it is not adults who have smartphones, but children Even at an early age there are those who have it. So it's not surprising that some applications are easier to understand than their parents. The impact of the FREE FIRE game on the character development of fifth graders at SDN 97 TINA'RO This study uses qualitative research, observation and interview data. these are 4 users of the free fire online game application from class V SDN 97 TINA'RO students. The data analysis technique uses the stages of data reduction, presentation and data retrieval. The results show that free fire online game users show a negative impact on early childhood character development , namely changes in behavior that are instilled early on like I have because Good character, honest, obedient, mutual respect and respect begin to fade away in the association of children. based on observations and interviews, it can then open the negative lock between free fire online games and character development for fifth grade elementary school students. 97 TINA'RO.


Aplikasi,free fire,Pengembangan Karakter Siswa
