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Dampak Aplikasi Tiktok Terhadap Pengembangan Karakter Siswa Kelas IV SDN 110 Jekka Sinjai Selatan
Irma - Irma, Nurul - Wahida

Last modified: 2021-07-02


Tik Tok, one of the popular applications in this digital era. Many people play and become users of this application, including children. Children's development from year to year is definitely increasing. Some children are very susceptible to technological developments that they accidentally see. Erikson (1968) stated that "in addition to identifying with their parents, preschool-aged children will develop motor skills, speaking skills, curiosity, imagination, and the ability to set goals. Today, not only adults who have smartphones, but there are also early childhood who have it. So it's not surprising that they sometimes understand some applications more easily than their parents. Development of the Tik tok application for the character development of fourth grade students at SDN 110 JEKKA. This research uses qualitative research, observational data and Interview. The subjects of this study were 2 users of the tik tok application from fourth grade students of SDN 110 JEKKA. Data analysis techniques used the stages of data education, presentation and data collection. The results showed that users of tik tok had a negative impact on character development of early childhood namely changes in behavior that are instilled from an early age such as having good character, honesty, obedient mutual respect and respect begin to fade and even disappear in the association of children. Based on observations and interviews, it can be concluded that there is a negative display between the Tik Tok application and the character development of fourth grade students at SDN 110 JEKKA.


Application, Tik Tok, Student Character Development

References komunikasi-dan-informasi-terhadap-karakter-anak