Online Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pendidikan

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The Effect of Online News on Digital Literacy in the Covid-19 Period in Makassar
Dewi Sartika Mahmud

Last modified: 2021-07-02


Covid-19 which has developed since the end of 2019 has an impact on the expansion of the meaning of space. This encourages the development of digitalization in the world, including Indonesia. This condition is also called the disruptive era, which is an era where old habits are radically abandoned due to the development of digitalization. So to answer the challenges of these changes, digital literacy is important. The development of information technology since 2010 has forced the media to adapt through online media. Moreover, the development of Covid-19 has made online news in Makassar even more existent. The purpose of the study was to measure how the development of online news on the progress of digital literacy during the pandemic in Makassar. The methodology used is a qualitative description of the author's experience as a journalist. The result is that the phenomenon of the abundance of online news increases the basic part of digital literacy, namely how to get information and relate it to the context that will be created.


digital literacy, online news, Covid-19


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