Online Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pendidikan

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Pengaruh Literasi Media dimasa Pandemi covid19
Muhajira Muhajira Ahmad

Last modified: 2021-07-02


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on universities, both in terms of academic accreditation and the development of science. This is seen as a reality that must be faced in making the transition from difficult times to rebuilding the progress of science and technology. In response to this, the Makassar State University educational technology study program held a national online seminar on 2021 digital generation for digital nation, on Sunday (30/5).

Makassar State University in collaboration with the PSB curriculum development center for learning evaluation media for LP2MP UNM, this time brought three speakers, namely Dr. Novi Kurnia, M.Sc., M.A. Anita Ashvin Wahid, Yulita Prioningsih

The purpose of this seminar is so that the young generation who are the digital generation are not only able to use technology but also understand digital nations. With this seminar, it is hoped that we can strengthen and understand perfectly digital knowledge so that our knowledge becomes quality about the digital world.

Keywords: technology, knowledge




Aderizqipangestu. (2020). Bagaimana Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia selama Pandemi Covid-19? Kompasiana. Com. dikan-indonesia-selama-pandemi-covid-19?page=3